Photo: In the dunes in Morocco, playing the tamtam big time!
Yes, where am I?? When was the last post?? You people must have stopped checking the blog already....no update, no update, no update.
I had a tooo great time in the desert of Morocco playing the tamtams, as you see on the photo :)
No, actually I HAVE BRILLIANT NEWS!!! Today I received my visa for Iran! Mister Ahmadinejad allows me to visit his country for up to 30 days. I better not ask for a tourism tour to one of the nuclear factories....I might end up in jail labelled as a spy!
So today I arrived back in Rome, for the third time(as you can read on the 'follow my footsteps page' which I just updated with all the places I have been). This morning my alarm rang at 5.00am, to catch the train from Rimini to Rome. I will explain later why I left so early!
So anyway, I was supposed to go first to the Embassy of Iran to pick up my passport with new visa. Yes to pick up my passport. They had to have my passport, I couldnt bring it with me. So the problem was, I could not request a visa for Azerbeijan at the same time. So I had to wait for a week for my Visa for Iran to be finished, which I picked up this morning, exactly one week later.